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FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. It is a standard network protocol. It is use to copy one file from one host to another TCP-based work. FTP users may authenticate themselves using a clear-text sign-in protocol but can connect anonymously if the server is configured to allow it.

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Wiki is a piece of software that allows users to create and edits freely about the web using any web browser. Wikis support hyperlinks and has a simple text syntax for creating new pages and crosslinks between internal pages.

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Blogs normally written by individuals as a diary or some description or something to express themselves regularly. Some focus on photos, some on art, videos or even music.

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An applet is a program written in the Java programming language that can be included in an HTML page, much in the same way an image is included in a page. When we use a Java technology-enabled browser to view a page that contains an applet, the applet's code is transferred to your system and executed by the browser's Java Virtual Machine (JVM). 

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Javascript is also known as the ECMAscirpt. It is a prototype-based, object-oriented scripting language that is dynamic, weakly typed and has first-class functions. It is also considered a functional programming language like Scheme because it has closures and supports higher-order functions.

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HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. Its a basic building block of webpage. HTML is written in the form of HTML elements consisting of tags, enclosed in angle brackets (like <html>), within the web page content. HTML tags normally come in pairs like <h1> and </h1>. The first tag in a pair is the start tag, the second tag is the end tag (they are also called opening tags and closing tags). In between these tags web designers can add text, tables, images and many more.

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Url stands for Uniform Resource Locator. It is to locate an identified resource is available and the mechanism for retrieving it. Every URL consists of some of the following: the scheme name (commonly called protocol), followed by a colon, then, depending on scheme, a domain name (alternatively, IP address), a port number, the path of the resource to be fetched or the program to be run, then, for programs such as Common Gateway Interface (CGI) scripts, a query string and an optional fragment identifier.

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The internet, the web and Electronic Commerce

-Internet Security Suite

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A programmer, computer programmer or coder is someone who writes computer software. A programmer can writes codes for many kinds of softwares. Those who practices or professes a formal approach to programming can also be called as program analyst.

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system analyst

A system analyst is the person who selects and configures computer systems for an organization or business. They researches problems, plans solutions, recommends software and systems, and coordinates development to meet business or other requirements.

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database administrator

A database administrator (DBA) responsibles for the design, implementation, maintainance and repair of an organization's database. They too establish policies and procedures, pertaining to the management, security, maintenance, and use of the database management system and training employees in database management.

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network administrator

Network administrators are responsible for the maintainence of the computer network. The main job for the Network Administrator is to vary from company to company, but will commonly include activities and tasks. Network administrators are responsible for making sure that the computer hardwares and network infrastructure for the IT organizations are properly maintained. Most network administrator positions require a breadth of technical knowledge and the ability to learn the ins and outs of new networking and server software packages quickly.

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Software engineer

Software engineers develope and design software so that the software is of higher quality, more affordable, maintainable, and faster to build. They must be experts in the theory of computing systems, the structure of software, and the nature and limitations of hardware to ensure that the underlying systems will work properly. Computer engineering can be devided into 2 different categories generally which are application engineer and system engineer. To become a software engineer, the knowledge of programming is a basic requirement.

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technical writer

A technical writer is a professional writer who creates, designs and maintain technical documentaion. It includes online help, user guides, white papers, design specifications, system manual and some other documents. A technical writer produces technical documentation for technical, business, and consumer audiences. A great technical writer creates documentation that is accurate, complete, unambiguous, and as concise as possible. Technical writers create documentation in many forms: printed, web-based or other electronic documentation, training materials, and industrial film scripts. Technical wirters oftem work as part of a writing or project development team. In a project team, technical writers' jobs are to develope the overall project documentation as other members of the team develop other areas of the project.

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Computer Support Specialist

Computer Support Specialist are those people who help people with computer problems. The expertise needs to explain whats the problem and how is it to be fix. The specialist job is to determine the problem and to fix the problem according to the steps. They may assign work to employees in the department and determine the priorities of various tasks. They may look over computer programs to make sure they are installed properly and are compatible with existing programs. They may look over projects to make sure they are completed properly and meet the company's goals. They may also evaluate computer systems to see if they need to be expanded or upgraded. Technical support specialists may also modify software produced by other computer firms to meet the needs of the company.

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Webmaster is a person that responsible for maintaing a or more websites. He is the person that designs and develops web sites. The duties of the webmaster may include ensuring that the web servers, hardware and software are operating accurately, designing the website, generating and revising web pages, replying to user comments, and examining traffic through the site. This is a job that requires a wide range of skills and abilities, since many webmasters must do much more than simply write computer codes or update links to other Web sites.Their salary are about 66,105$ per year. Webmasters tries to make the websites faster, repairs websites and many more. Normally a webmaster do not belong to any particular company, because they normally work in labs or home. They manage quite alot of websites.

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Careers In IT

computer support specialist
techinical writer
software engineer
network administrator
database administrator
system analyst

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